In 2020, two more PhD students have joined the Cancer and Cognition Platform teams :
- The Normandy region granted doctoral funding (RIN100%) to support the Cog-immuno preclinical study on the effect of cancer and anti-cancer immunotherapies on brain functions in animals. The Cancer and Cognition platform is already involved in this project thanks to the structuring program of the Cancéropole Nord-Ouest as well as the Normandy region via the RIN Tremplin CancerCOG.
- The co-funding of a grant by the Normandy region (RIN50%) and the Calvados Committee of the French League Against Cancer has allowed the clinical team to offer a doctoral position to one of the platform neuropsychologist in charge of the Cog-Stim program on management of cancer treatments-related cognitive difficulties in women treated for breast cancer.
Welcome !!