Our Services
We propose our expertise, tools and models to the scientific and industrial community

Our Clinical services
- Evaluation of cognitive impairment in patients during clinical trials,
- Design of clinical studies on cognitive impairment that focus on cognition with various treatments,
- Studies of specific groups such as the elderly,
- Examination of problems related to oral treatments,
- Brain imaging protocols (MRI, PET scan).

Our Neuropsychological services
- Tests : we offer standardised cognitive evaluation adapted to a given situation,
- Evaluation of the cognitive impairment perceived by patients : validated questionnaires, quality of life questionnaires
- Control of patients’ psychological status (anxiety, depression, fatigue…),
- Study of the influence of cognitive reserve and metacognition on the incidence of cognitive impairment,
- Cognitive rehabilitation as treatment,
- Examination of anatomical brain signs of cognitive impairment (using VBM and DTI) or functional brain signs of cognitive impairment (fMRI, PET (Positron Emission Tomography).

Our Preclinical and Biomarker services
- Detection of biomarkers predictive of cognitive deficits in animal models and in patients within the scope of clinical and neuropsychological studies,
- Evaluation of the biological parameters that may influence the onset of cognitive impairment,
- Assessment of neurobiological parameters in cancer and non-cancer animal models to better understand the pathophysiology of the neurological changes observed in cancer patients,
- Focus on new behavioural study protocols in animals to better understand the mechanisms induced by new targeted therapies,
- Brain imaging protocols for animal models.

Our Biostatistical services
- Support in and/or writing of statistical methodology in study protocols according the approved study design,
- Assistance in submitting projects to calls for proposals,
- Support in and/or writing of statistical analysis plans,
- Statistical analysis and interpretation of results.
- Support in and/or writing of scientific reports and articles