Thesis after thesis on the Cancer&Cognition thematic

Many young researchers are interested in the thematic of cognitive difficulties in patients treated for cancer, and are very active within the research units who are partners of the Cancer and Cognition platform.

Several theses are starting in 2021:

  • C Elia’s thesis in the U1077 on the ICANSLEEP study (doctoral contract)
  • A Boué’s thesis in U1086 on the Cog-Pro study (INCa SHS grant)
  • V Beaufils’ thesis in the CERVOxy team on the preAP-RT-brain study (CNRS GDR Sport&AP funding)
  • E Hummel’s thesis from a recently initiated collaboration with the Hybrid team of Inria-RBA in Rennes, on the role of virtual environments for professional rehabilitation after breast cancer (Inserm-Inria thesis grant, co-supervision Inserm U1086)

We wish you a great adventure with us!


And several end in 2021:

  • “The functioning of prospective memory in breast cancer: study of the effect of sleep using a virtual reality test”. Thesis defended on June 2, 2021 by M Duivon and directed by B Giffard, with co-direction by B Desgranges.
  • “Cognitive disorders in oncology: population at risk, impact, evolution under anticancer treatment and management”. Thesis defended on November 25, 2021 by M Dos-Santos and directed by F Joly.
  • “Interest of physical activity in controlling the tοxicity induced by encephalic irradiation: lοngitudinal and multiparametric studies in the rat”. Defense scheduled for 12/16/21 by G Ropars, thesis director: O Touzani, co-supervision E Pérès.

Congratulations to the new doctors !