On May 17th, 2017, the Cancer and Cognition Platform was invited to present its work at a conference organized by the rehabilitation medicine service of the Henri Gabrielle hospital on “Oncology and Hematology: What needs for rehabilitation? The challenge of cognitive troubles”. The Platform expertise was presented through 4 talks. This meeting brought to light the burden of cognitive impairments in oncology (emerging from clinical practice, clinical studies but also animal studies) as well as their impact in patients’ quality of life. Moreover, a synthesis of screening tools and potential ways of rehabilitation was presented. Those discussions raised questions about how to address this problem and the need for specific rehabilitation program in cancer care dedicated to cognitive impairments. Multidisciplinary approaches will probably be necessary to treat cognitive impairments. This joint meeting with such a dynamic team was very promising and opened new perspectives for future collaborations.

The Cancer et Cognition Platform invited at the Rhône-Alpes rehabilitation conference