Participation within the framework of the platform (ancillary part of a clinical study)

Impact of the COVID-19 infectious epidemic on the management of patients with cancer and on the psychological consequences for patients and caregivers

Coordination: A Faveyrial , F Joly, M Lange, L Guittet

Status : Follow-up ongoing, 735 patients, 73 caregivers

Sponsors: ARC, Géfluc

Promotion: CLCC Caen

Publications :

Florence Joly, Olivier Rigal, Lydia Guittet, Sophie LefèvreArbogast, Jean-Michel Grellard, Giulia Binarelli, Marie Lange, Chantal Rieux, Marie Fernette, Laure Tron, François Gernier, Romain Travers, Adeline Morel, Doriane Richard, Bénédicte Griffon, Alexandra Leconte, Etienne Bastien, Florian Quilan, Louis-Ferdinand Pépin, Fabrice Jardin, Marianne Leheurteur, Bénédicte Clarisse, Justine Lequesne, Audrey Faveyrial. Post-traumatic stress symptomatology and adjustment of medical oncology practice during the COVID-19 pandemic among adult cancer patients in day-care hospital. Cancer 2021 10.1002/cncr.33856

Giffard B, Joly F. Impact psychologique de l’épidémie de Covid-19 et du confinement chez des patients pris en charge pour un cancer. Rev Neuropsychol 2020 ; 12 (2) : 193-5 doi:10.1684/nrp.2020.0569