Functioning of prospective memory in breast cancer patients: evaluation of the impact of sleep with virtual reality methods
Coordinator: Bénédicte Giffard (Caen)
One of the major complaints reported by breast cancer patients is the difficulty in remembering intentions to be realized in the future. Deficient cognitive mechanisms of prospective memory will be identified. Prospective memory will be evaluated with a sensible virtual reality protocol. Moreover, sleep is often impacted by cancer and, considering its beneficial role on memory, influence of sleep on prospective memory will be evaluated in patients (with polysomnography, actimetrics, biological measures). This study will enable us to identify and better understand altered cognitive mechanisms of prospective memory, and their connection with stress and sleep disorders frequently reported by breast cancer patients.
Evaluate the functioning of prospective memory in breast cancer patients and study the impact of sleep quality on intention retrieval through prospective memory.
Secondary objectives: Evaluate the impact of adjuvant hormonotherapy on the functioning of prospective memory. Evaluate the influence of anxiety and tiredness on prospective memory.
Study methodology
Transversal case-control study in neuro-psychology (comparison of 50 patients versus 25 healthy controls)
Study status
Closed, 75 participants enrolled.
Financial support
Région Normandie (RIN Recherche), Fondation ARC, Cancéropôle Nord-Ouest (projet Emergent), Ligue contre le cancer du Calvados, SFRMS (Société Française de Recherche et Médecine du Sommeil)
plaquette_PROSOM_K_Patientes (2)
plaquette_PROSOM_K_sujets sains
Duivon, M., Giffard, B., Desgranges, B., & Perrier, J. (2021). Are Sleep Complaints Related to Cognitive Functioning in Non-Central Nervous System Cancer? A Systematic Review. Neuropsychology Review.
Martin, T., Duivon, M., Bessot, N., Grellard, J. M., Emile, G., Polvent, S., Raoul, L., Viader, F., Eustache, F., Joly, F., Giffard, B., & Perrier, J. (2021). Rest activity rhythms characteristics of breast cancer women following endocrine therapy. Sleep, zsab248. /sleep/zsab248
J. Perrier, M. Duivon, G. Rauchs, B. Giffard, Le sommeil dans les cancers non cérébraux : revue de la littérature, mécanismes potentiels et perspectives pour mieux comprendre les troubles cognitifs associés, Médecine du Sommeil, Volume 18, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 90-103, ISSN 1769-4493,
Impact of breast cancer on prospective memory functioning assessed by virtual reality and influence of sleep quality and hormonal therapy: PROSOM-K study. Duivon M, Perrier J, Joly F, Licaj I, Grellard JM, Clarisse B, Lévy C, Fleury P, Madeleine S, Lefèvre N, Rauchs G, Lecouvey G, Fraisse F, Viader F, Eustache F, Desgranges B, Giffard B. BMC Cancer. 2018 Sep 3;18(1):866. doi:10.1186/s12885-018-4762-2. PubMed PMID: 30176833; PubMed Central PMCID:PMC6122719.
Duivon M, Perrier J, Desgranges B, Giffard B. Actualités sur la plainte cognitive associée au cancer du sein : la mémoire prospective, une mémoire oubliée. (2018). Rev Neuropsychol, 10 (3) : 222-31.