1st Onconeurotox Scientific Meeting – neurological complications of oncological treatments: diagnose, treat, prevent

January 17, 2019 – Paris, ICM – Brain and spine Institute


The national network Onconeurotox organizes its first scientific meeting on January 17, 2019 at the ICM (Brain and spine institute), with the institutional support of the ANOCEF (Association of Neuro-Oncologists of French Expression), of Siric CURAMUS ( Cancer United Research Associating Medicine) and the ARC Foundation for Cancer Research. Onconeurotox is a national care network dedicated to the management of neurological complications induced by cancer treatments. The network has been developing at the national level since 2017 with the support of ANOCEF, with the aim of promoting the harmonization of clinical practices, contributing to the development of research and teaching, and improving the knowledge on and the recognition of these complications which sometimes constitute neurological diseases. This first scientific meeting, which will bring together all the actors of the network, opened widely to physicians of various specialties, will aim at diffusing knowledge and sharing clinical experiences in order to contribute to a better definition of the neurological complications of the oncological treatments.

Free inscription : https://www.weezevent.com/journee-onconeurotox-2019

Contact : reseau.ont@gmail.com

Program [French]